More Cash Cows

Don’t you love knowing you’re not the only one staring at a lonely month of little-to-no work? No, neither do I.

I’m not alone in my concern. My post of a few weeks ago on where to find work is a good starting point, but I love that other freelancers have even better ideas.

Take Susan Johnston’s post on Creative Ways for Writers to Earn Extra Cash has some excellent suggestions. Even better – some have fast turnaround and fast payment. Amen.

Men with Pens’ James Chartrand has a great article on How to Increase Your Rates For the New Year. While James doesn’t say so directly, what better way than to frame it as though it’s a sale?

Bob Younce, one of my favorite bloggers, has a great article on Finding Work. He starts with bidding sites, which goes against my particular freelance religion, but he’s right – there are jobs and long-term clients to be found there. Just be discerning. Learn to say no to the crap.

Anne Wayman has been providing job listings and advice on her blog for as long as I’ve known her (and I’ve known her quite a while). Anything she provides at About Freelance Writing is worth reading. In fact, if Anne doesn’t have an article up about it, it’s not worth knowing.

How about you? Any tried-and-true cash cows you milk this time of year?

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5 Thoughts to “More Cash Cows”

  1. Good suggestions Lori, thanks

    Anne Wayman, now blogging at

  2. I have enough projects set up thanks to marketing earlier this year (thanks to Lori’s suggestion!). I will be working on creating some passive and other ways of earning income. I’m going to be querying print markets, working on my new website and marketing strategy for 2009. I’ll be taking advantage of any down time to hit the ground running in 2009.

  3. I’m actually not seeing the holiday downturn yet. Most years I do, and this year I’m almost wishing I was experiencing one. I need the steady income right now, though, so I’ll take the flow of work. I know your marketing efforts will bring in the projects quickly, Lori, but if you can afford, I’d say enjoy an extended holiday season!

  4. Lori, I thought it was pretty much over for the year and then I got two large projects the week before Thanksgiving. One of them is for an off-price retailer whose online marketing efforts are ramping up with the holidays approaching (they are counting on people bargain shopping this year and so far that seems to be the case). I guess I forgot to mention that under seasonal opportunities, but it’s a good one if you have any experience or contacts in that industry. Sadly, I’m sure they will quiet down come January 1.

  5. All good suggestions – especially “learn to say no to crap.” I’ve been saying that a lot lately it seems.

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